I use my tumbler pretty much daily, it gets quite a workout! When the
steel shot gets dark, sluggish, and less effective I employ a couple of
methods for cleaning it, depending on what I have on hand at the time.
Apple cider vinegar and a bit of water or soda pop (Coca-Cola, Pepsi, RC Cola, or
generics), though I rarely have this in the house. If you plan to use
soda pop make sure you pour it into a glass and add a tablespoon of
granular sugar first before adding it to your tumbler, or you'll end up
with a colossal mess! The sugar will remove the carbonation and you'll
be left with just the soda as a cleaning agent. Be certain to rinse
your shot and tumbler thoroughly after cleaning, so you don't contaminate the next batch of
tumble. Side note; I use a little original Dawn detergent and water as
the lubricant in my tumbler. It works great, lasts forever, and it's much more cost
effective than burnishing compound!