My Story

I'm a girl from a small town in Ohio living in a beautiful coastal town in Florida. I'm married to my very supportive high school sweetheart and we have a beautiful fur baby, Hula. I studied interior design in college and after several career reincarnations I am now here, living the unexpected life of jewelry designer and absolutely LOVING it!!! This blog chronicals my journey through this wild and exhilarating and sometimes exasperating world of jewelry making from idea to fruition!

My art is available at Old Florida Gallery and Outdoor Center in Englewood Florida

Friday, March 23, 2012

3 for 3 and Guardedly Excited : D

I scored my very first retail location last week and ironically it isn't even in the state of Florida, it's in Indiana!  And after a trip to the east cost of Florida a few days ago, my jewelry is set to be sold in a total of 3 retail spaces with hopefully more to come locally!!!  I won't be naming names until the ink is dry and the first orders have shipped, but the boutique in Indiana will be featuring my designs in their spring fashion show!  I am SO EXCITED and this is only the beginning, look out world here comes SSMDesign ~ Jewelry Personified : D